Residents enjoy dining and entertaining at popular ‘Restaurant Row’ featuring over fifty eateries, and the smooth flowing traffic associated with Southwest Orange County. Depending on your destination or starting point, Dr Phillips features two entrances and exits to I-4. Sand Lake Road east of Restaurant Row and Apopka-Vineland Road near the Disney entrance, both intersections get you to the 408, Turnpike and the newly constructed 429.
Homes in Dr Phillips from 2006 to 2011 saw a dramatic drop in values, much like every other community nationwide, but this past year this sought after community neighboring Windermere known as “The Town Among the lakes” and multi-million dollar homes is back at the top of buyers wish lists. Home buyers that could not afford this beautiful community and all it has to offer during the boom in the real estate market are now sensing this is the time to pick up a great deal before they’re gone.
It should be noted not all communities come back at the same rate after a real estate market decline. Rather, communities that were in hot demand before a downturn come back first. Welcome back Dr Phillips!